On the JCOM's free eLearning platform, pupils, students and other interested parties can gain an insight into the cultural life of the Theresienstadt concentration camp. The focus is on a special recording of Viktor Ullmann's last work, The Tale of Love and Death of Cornet Christoph Rilke, with Sabin Tambrea as narrator. The platform is designed so that it can be dealt with in a double lesson (90 minutes).
In three virtual 3D rooms, users discover different material on the topic: photos, interviews with contemporary witnesses, original documents, information about Viktor Ullmann and the music recording as a 360° video in which viewers can determine the perspective themselves. The eLearning platform is completely browser-based and can be used free of charge with practically all internet-enabled devices.
This PDF document contains important instructions on how to use the eLearning platform, as well as complete material for students.
Here you will find the worksheets , the solutions to which will give you access to the other rooms.
In a double lesson, students are introduced to the topic of music creation in the Theresienstadt concentration camp, and the discrepancy between the terrible living conditions and the rich cultural life and creativity is particularly impressively conveyed. The user of the eLearning platform moves freely through 3D rooms in which different tasks must be solved; the solutions then open up further rooms with further information. The material and tasks are suitable across all subjects from the 9th grade onwards, but are also interesting for older users.
The centerpiece of Music in the Theresienstadt Concentration Camp is the new recording of the work Die Weise von Liebe und Tod by the cornet Christoph Rilke by the JCOM. The Czech-Jewish composer Viktor Ullmann wrote the work in Theresienstadt, where he was interned from 1942 to 1944. The particularly complex recording, which can be experienced as a 360° video, was recorded in several steps: the music was recorded in the studio, then musicians and speakers (Sabin Tambrea) traveled to Theresienstadt to film, in which musicians play Ullmann's music in different rooms. Online, users have the opportunity to take over the camera direction for the music themselves: they can switch freely between the individual image tracks.
The eLearning platform was created with the financial support of the Federal Cultural Foundation as part of the dive in funding program. The cooperation partners for the didactic and digital implementation are the DigilLab of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the XRHub.