In mid-December, the artistic director of the JCOM was welcomed with Advent coffee and homemade cookies by the students of the P-Seminar A year with the Jewish Chamber Orchestra Munich at the Nymphenburg Gymnasium. And there was also a musical contribution to the welcome. This was followed by an intensive question and answer session, during which the students asked Daniel Grossmann about his personal career, the founding history of the orchestra, but also very specifically about the organization of concerts.
Since the beginning of the school year, the students have been involved with the JCOM: the programs, the concerts, but also with what happens behind the scenes and the idea behind the orchestra. In doing so, they gain different insights, from which small projects of their own then develop. Everyone has to get involved: whether as an assistant behind the theater stage, handing out flyers, organizing a rehearsal for the professional musicians at school or researching a lesser-known composer.
Here in our blog you will also read about the students: each of them will write a contribution. The first one is already online ( here ).
The JCOM's activities in the field of education are diverse: from concerts for small children to educational projects for teenagers and young adults, from large children's opera projects to adult education. Long-term collaborations are particularly sustainable, such as so-called 'P-Seminars', practical seminars. In these, high school students work with a company or institution over a longer period of time and learn about different professional fields, but also carry out their own projects.